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Clone Mifare Classic 1k Tag To Chameleon Mini RevE Rebooted

physical-security access control
Daniel Underhay
Daniel Underhay
Table of Contents

How to clone a MIFARE Classic 1K tag to Chameleon Mini RevE Rebooted #

The official github repository for the Chameleon Mini RevE Rebooted. Other revisions of the hardware use different github projects. The RevE Rebooted looks like the image below:

Tools used:

Step 1: Dump tag using MIFARE Classic Tool. #

Step 2: Convert dump from .mct format to .mfd #

Using bash:

grep -v '+Sector: ' dump.mct | xxd -r -p > dump.mfd

Or Python using this script:

python3 dump.mct dump.mfd

Step 3: Upload dump.mfd to Chameleon Mini RevE Rebooted #

  • Plug the Chameleon Mini RevE Rebooted in and connect to the device via teraterm.

  • Pick an open card slot with SETTING=X command and the slot you want to use (X: 0 to 7).

  • Check the config mode. For example MIFARE Classic 1k: CONFIG=MF_CLASSIC_1K.

  • Initiate the file upload using the UPLOAD command and selecting the dump.mfd file: